382 results:
241. Graduate Student Award Silver Medal  
Dr. Barbara Putz, former PhD Student at the Erich Schmid Institute of Material Science, was awarded the Graduate Student Award Silver Medal at the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings…  
243. Techniques for characterizing magnetic materials  
Prof. Roland Größinger Institut für Festkörperphysik Technische Universität Wien  
244. Tribological behavior of carbon nanotubes (CNT). Examples in metal matrix composites and protective CNT-based coatings  
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Suarez In recent years, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been receiving a lot of attention in the research community due to their outstanding intrinsic mechanical properties. In…  
245. International Symposium on Plasticity 2018 – San Juan, Puerto Rico 2018  
From January 3rd to 9th the annual “International Symposium on Plasticity” took place in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This Conference series, where over 300 international participants in 3 parallel…  
246. Structural evolution of Fe-based glassy alloys: modern methods of analysis  
Dr. Mihai Stoica Fe-based BMGs are well known for their attractive combination of structural and magnetic properties. Moreover, these alloys are widely studied and considered for potential…  
247. Übungen zu Materialphysik  
Mo, 14:00 - 17:00 Vortragende/r: J. KeckesD. Kiener MUonline: Link    
248. Materialphysik I  
Mi, 9:45 - 12:00 Vortragende/r: J. KeckesD. Kiener MUonline: Link Dokumente:  Electric properties  
249. Exercises to Structure and Scattering Methods  
Symmetry, Bravais lattices in two dimensions, crystal basis Stereographic projection, applications of Wulff's net Vector calculus in coordinate systems with oblique angles, Reciprocal lattice,…  
250. Materials Characterization  
Metallographic sample preparation and development of microstructure equipment and methods of microstructure characterization, bulk and surface analysis Vortragende/r: A. HohenwarterS.…  
Search results 241 until 250 of 382