382 results:
221. Innovation made at ESI presented in Wiley webinar  
The Carl Zeiss GmbH released the new Crossbeam LaserFIB in early 2020. The pioneering work regarding the combination of a femtosecond laser and a FIB at the Erich Schmid Institute paved the way for…  
222. Megan Cordill is a finalist for the Houskapreis 2020  
One of five finalists for a Houskapreis is Priv. Doz. Dr. Megan Cordill of ESI in the category “University Research” for her project on “Unbreakable Flexible Electronics.” Flexible electronic…  
223. Titanium oxide-based nanostructures as photocatalysts for purification of waste water  
Dr. Sc. Andreja Gajovic Head of the Laboratory for Energy Conversion Materials and Sensors Divison of Materials Physics Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia Increasing awareness of harmful…  
224. Application of lab-based X-ray computed tomography in industry and material science  
Dr. Tomas Zikmund Central European Institute of Technology in Brno, Czech Republic 3D imaging based on X-ray computed tomography have become increasingly accessible with advancements in methods,…  
225. Methodology and data processing in Laser-Induced breakdown spectroscopy  
Prof. Jozef Kaiser Central European Institute of Technology in Brno, Czech Republic Laser ablation of materials is a complex phenomenon and demands a thorough understanding of individual…  
226. WKO Styria grant awarded to Florian Tropper  
WKO Styria grant awarded to Florian Tropper Florian Tropper, Master Student at the Chair of Materials Physics, was awarded the 2019 research fellowship of the Styrian federal economic chamber (WKO…  
227. Investigation by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of the corrosion behaviour of passive materials: conventionnal alloys and bulk metallic glasses  
Benoit Ter-Ovanession Université de Lyon, INSA de LYON Several metals and alloys used in many industrial applications are protected with a very thin protective oxide layer, known as a passive film.…  
228. Photodynamics of thin films: Access to thermal and structural properties  
PD Dr. Anton Plech Institute for Photon Science and Synchrotron Radiation (IPS) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Photodynamics of thin films: Access to thermal and structural properties PD…  
229. Nanocrystallitzation of metallic glasses and subsequent structure changes in the resulted nanomaterials  
Dmitri V. Louzguine Mathematics for Advanced Materials-OIL, AIST-Tohoku University WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University Various nanostructures formed by crystallization…  
230. A Brief Introduction to Electrically Conductive Polymers and Their Application in Anti-Corrosive Coating of Metal Surfaces  
Dr. Hans-Detlev Gilsing Institut of Thin Film and Microsensoric Technology A Brief Introduction to Electrically Conductive Polymers and Their Application in Anti-Corrosive Coating of Metal…  
Search results 221 until 230 of 382