382 results:
91. FIB LEO1540  
The LEO 1540XB is a dual beam focused ion beam (FIB) workstation equipped with a field emission gun (FEG). For imaging an Everhart Thornley Detector (SE-Detector) or an Inlens-Detector are…  
92. Cross Section Polisher  
The cross section polisher is used for two different purposes: It can be used - according to its original purpose - for a smooth ion polishing of materials cross-sections that cannot be processed…  
93. Zeiss Auriga Laser  
The Zeiss Auriga LaserFIB system combines the advantages of the CrossBeam technology, consisting of a focused ion beam column (Orsay Physics Ga+ ion FIB) and a scanning electron column…  
94. Mechanical Testing & Processing  
Macroscopic mechanical testing equipment: Tension and compression testing. Rheometer TA instruments DHR 3, temperature range -150 °C to 600 °C. High Pressure torsion (HPT) Wafer Curvature  
95. Wafer Curvature  
Understanding and controlling stresses in thin-films and during thermal annealing process is critical for achieving the desired optical, electronic and mechanical properties. Many of today´s high…  
96. Hysitron/Bruker TS 77 Select  
The Hysitron TS 77 Select nanomechanical and nanotribological test system built around Bruker’s renowned TriboScope capacitive transducer technology is a test system delivering reliable mechanical…  
97. PI 85 SEM Picoindenter  
PI 85 SEM Picoindenter The PI 85 SEM PicoIndenter is a depth-sensing indenter based on three plate capacitor actuation (inherently force-controlled) equipped with a nanoDMA III upgrade for…  
98. AFSEM  
AFSEM The combination of an AFM in situ in the SEM, termed AFSEM, allows for high depth resolution imaging of sample surfaces. The SEM is used for positioning of the AFM cantilever near the site…  
99. ASMEC Microindenter  
ASMEC Microindenter The direct piezo driven (inherently displacement-controlled) module is designed to use as a micro loading device for the measurement of forces and displacements inside the SEM.…  
100. PI 95 TEM Picoindenter  
The Hysitron (now Bruker) PI 95 Picoindenter is a state-of-the-art instrument that revolutionizes in situ nanomechanical mechanical testing in combination with our JEOL 2200FS transmission electron…  
Search results 91 until 100 of 382