382 results:
261. Advanced transmission electron microscopy for materials research  
This course covers advanced TEM techniques, such as electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), and HRTEM…  
262. Biosensor technology  
Basics of sensors, specific problems in vivo, Electrochemistry for sensors, “Lock-and-Key”-model, Amperometric and potentiometric sensors, ISFET, Oxide-based Gas sensors, Piezoelectric, SAW and…  
263. Guidance to perfom an independent scientific work in the field of X-ray diffraction analysis of materials (W)  
Guidance to perfom an independent scientific work in the field of X-ray diffraction analysis of materials Vortragende/r: J. Keckes MUonline: Link  
264. Modern physical surface analysis  
The lecture gives an introduction in selected physical methods of surface analysis. The corresponding basic physical principles, the development of the methods, and the current state-of-the art of…  
265. Research in Materials Physics  
Instructions to perform scientific work independently Vortragende/r: J. Keckes MUonline: Link  
266. Scientific Work in Materials Physics  
Instructions to perform scientific work independently Vortragende/r: R. Pippan MUonline: Link  
267. Seminar Master Thesis  
The Master Thesis is an indepently written thesis in the field of materials science, which will be finalized with a presentation. Vortragende/r: J. KeckesD. KienerCh.…  
268. The historical mining and working of noble metals, metallurgy  
Among the “Noble metals” gold (Au mp 1064 C), silver (Ag, mp 961 C) und platinum (Pt, mp 1769 C) are the most important elements. Their excellent corrosion resistance was reason for their use in…  
269. Exercises to Materials Physics  
Application of certain solutions of Fick´s 2nd law to particular problems of material physics, in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions with unlimited or limited space, Arrhenius´diagram, Identifying various…  
270. Materials Physics I  
Basic electron theory of solids, Consequences of electron band theory, Electrical conductivity (classical and quantum mechanical); Hall effect, Superconductivity, Semiconductors and the p-n-junction,…  
Search results 261 until 270 of 382