
The historical mining and working of noble metals, metallurgy

Among the “Noble metals” gold (Au mp 1064 C), silver (Ag, mp 961 C) und platinum (Pt, mp 1769 C) are the most important elements. Their excellent corrosion resistance was reason for their use in jewelry (gold since 5000 BC) and for decorations of tools, weapons and ceramic products. Nowadays they have some importance in technical uses like the semiconductor-industry or catalysts.

Gold is found in the earth’s crust mainly in the native, metallic, state. Its production in the beginnings of civilization was panning the river-sands in many areas of the world. Silver is rarely found in the native state, its use is combined with the rising metallurgical technology during the 3rd millennium BC, using silver-bearing lead-ores. Platinum is rarely used in historical times, but it’s now used for equipment in chemistry; also in jewelry it became modern in the last decades.
The lectures will present the history of mining, metallurgy and working of the noble metals in general. Their history in art is combined with cultural development, change in technology (e.g. granulation) and vogue.
The lecture will be completed by a visit in a jewelers-shop. Also a visit to gold-exhibitions in Vienna will be proposed.

G. Sperl
