
ICM 12 conference in Karlsruhe, Germany

The 12th international conference on the mechanical behavior of materials, which takes place every four years, was held in Karlsruhe from the 10th to the 14th of May 2015.

Among the over 400 participants from all over the globe, our institute was represented by Prof. R. Pippan, who delivered a plenary lecture on fracture and fatigue of ultra-fine grained materials, and Prof. D. Kiener, who gave an invited lecture on local probing of thermally activated properties. In addition, DI. W. Ochensberger had a talk about his Ph.D. work, the physically correct characterization of the crack growth rate in low cycle fatigue with the J-integral, and the retired colleague, Dr. B. Ortner, reported on a new analysis method for residual stress determination.