
1. ESI HPT Seminar July 27-28, 2015

From 27th to 28th of July 2015 the 1. ESI HPT Seminar took place at the institute. It started with a comprehensive lecture of Prof. Pippan on the research in the field of severe plastic deformation performed over the last 15 years (containing almost 300 slides), and, more importantly, what aspects are still not well understood and potential topics for future research.

In a Feynman-like statement, Prof. Pippan concluded that there is still a lot of open aspects to be resolved, however, the questions became more precise than in the earlier days as we can look deeper into the materials structure by now.

This general conspectus was followed by 15 contributions focusing on recent advances in synthesis, characterization, and mechanical properties of nanostructured material systems.

Our special thanks go to Prof. Pippan for his continuous support and excellent hosting of the event. We are looking forward to the next ESI HPT Seminar!


Shown in the Picture: Activities at the 1. ESI HPT seminar at the Erich-Schmid Institute on 27.-28.07.2015

Documents:  Program