Mon, 29.01.2024 13:30 | Category Blog

Special Talk with Nobel Prize winner Anne L'Huillier

It was a pleasure to welcome Anne L'Huillier, physicist and 2023 Nobel Prize winner, at the exclusive special talk for members of the Österreichische Studienstiftung and high school students of the ISTA Young Lounge, before the fully booked evening lecture took place at the Festive Hall of the OeAW. It was a great and moving hour with personal and encouraging insights into a female researcher's life - outstanding, modest and passionate at the same time. We would also like to thank the President of the OeAW, Heinz Faßmann, for welcoming the Nobel laureate and for his participation in the discussion.

BLOG | Daniel Mittag

Fotocredit: ÖAW/Ludwig Schedl

Anne L'Huillier likes to push herself to the limit. In her case as a physicist, this means the limit of time. The 2023 Nobel Prize winner conducts research with ultrashort laser pulses. Attosecond physics attempts to observe the ultrafast movements of electrons. She uses laser pulses to do this - and the shorter the light pulses, the sharper the atomic image.

L'Huillier, who together with physicists Ferenc Krausz and Pierre Agostini received the Nobel Prize for their experimental research, took the Vienna audience on a journey into a hidden world that moves unimaginably fast at the atomic level at a joint lecture by the OeAW and ISTA

The aim of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) and Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) lectures is to bring top-class researchers to Vienna on a regular basis.