A total of 27 OeAW institutes are engaged in basic research of international standing in a variety of disciplines, all with the aim of producing new and innovative insights.

The high quality of this research activity is evidenced by a number of internationally renowned publications, a strong track record in acquiring research grants, successful scientific conferences and important awards. Regular evaluation procedures also ensure that the research conducted at the individual institutes fulfils the criteria of international research standards.

The institutes undertake research in the fields of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Asian Studies and Social Anthropology, Historical Sciences, Cultural Research and the Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Space Research and Materials Science. An overview of the institutes shows the diversity and breadth of research at the OeAW:

Archaeology and classical studies

Asian studies and social anthropology

Historical sciences

Cultural Studies and Digital Humanities

Social Sciences and Law

Life Sciences

Mathematics, physics, space research and materials sciences

Other research units