
Creating A Mediterranean Style

As part of an OeAD-Scholarship at the OeAI in Vienna Marina Ugarković is studying the production and distribution of Ephesian lamps.

Photo: OeAW-OeAI/Niki Gail

Lamps from Ephesos rank among the Hellenistic pottery products from Ephesos that are found most frequently in the Mediterranean world. As part of an OeAD-Scholarship Mag. Dr. Marina Ugarković is spending a year at the Austrian Archaeological Institute researching their production and distribution in the Hellenistic world. In particular she will focus on the development of the Ephesian production sites since the 2nd century BCE to the Augustan period and the various trade and transport routes for the dissemination of the goods.

For further information on the project of Marina Marina Ugarković please click here.


Mag. Dr. Marina Ugarković studied archaeology at the University of Zagreb and completed her doctorate in 2015. She has been a research assistant at the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb since 2009. In 2016/2017 she received a scholarship of the OeAW of the junior research program  "Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities" at the Institute for Classical Archaeology of the University of Vienna. Since October the archaeologist has been managing the project "Creating a Mediterranean style: Production and Cultural Dispersal of Hellenistic Ephesos lamps” at the OeAI as part of an OeAD-Scholarship.


OeAD Scholarship
The OeAD is the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research.With a budget of more than 60 million euros and more than 200 employees the OeAD supports the internationalisation of education.