Mon, 25.11.2024 19:00

Society of Friends of Ephesos

Annual Meeting | Vienna

Ephesos, Coressian Gate (© OeAW-OeAI/Niki Gail)

The Society of Friends of Ephesos invites its members, friends and guests to the Annual Meeting on 25 November 2024. After the welcome address by the President of the Society of Friends of Ephesos, Christoph Trentini, the director of the Ephesos excavation, Martin Steskal, will give an obituary for Sabine Ladstätter, the late Director of the Ephesos excavation who died in June this year.

Afterwards, he will will report on the latest results of this year's on-site campaign and present the new fundraising project of the Society. You are then invited to a buffet by the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV).

We look forward to your participation!


Please register with  by 10 November 2024.




25 November 2024, 7 pm

Haus der Industrie, Schwarzenbergplatz 4, 1030 Vienna

Society of the Friends of Ephesos; OeAW-OeAI

Astrid Pircher