Mon, 11.09.2023 12:00

PLATO Workshop on 3D Climate and Clouds III

The third PLATO Workshop will take place at the IWF from 7 to 8 October 2024.

The European space telescope PLATO will be launch in 2026 to detect exoplanets in the solar neighborhood that transit in front of their star. The main goal is to find potentially habitable planets around true Sun-like analogues. The atmospheres of such planets are particularly suitable for further investigation with large telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope.

This second Follow-Up Meeting of the PLATO Workshop on 3D Climate and Clouds aims to discuss projects for the atmosphere characterization of gas planets with PLATO.

Two Work Packages (WP) led by the IWF are central topics:

The workshop is open for WP members and to all interested scientists.

PLATO workshop on 3D climate and clouds



PLATO Workshop on 3D Climate and Clouds

11-14 September 2023

IWF Graz

Ludmila Carone
T +43 316/4120-327

PLATO Meetings