
Thinking global – new TA-network tackles challenges

Here is an exclusive video of the launch of our brand-new globalTA network at the 4th European TA Conference in Bratislava. Listen to why this is so important in the words of representatives from Europe, Asia and Australia.

Michael Nentwich, Miltos Ladikas and Julia Hahn presenting globalTA at the 4th european TA conference (Photo: ITA, Screenshot)

In this short video, founders and members of newly launched TA-network globalTA talk about the importance of international connections in technology assessment in order to master upcoming global challenges. More information on transglobal research activities can be found on the globalTA website.

Cooperation beyond political systems and regimes

Miltos Ladikas (KIT/ITAS, Germany): "The experience we have made in Europe working along different cultures, different nations, even value systems has inspired us to think beyond European borders. We must work together when it comes to science and technology. Technology assessment at the global level is therefore a natural development."

Michael Nentwich (ÖAW-ITA, Austria): "It will be a learning experience with the aim to disseminate technology assessment knowledge at a high level and beyond the various methods. We want to find out whether it is at all possible to carry out TA on a global level across different cultures, political systems, regimes, but also across practices and approaches."

There are no more national answers

Peta Ashworth (University of Queensland, Australia): "When technological solutions are proposed - whether in the energy or climate field or for an ageing population - there are many challenges. GlobalTA provides an opportunity to exchange views with the various researchers who share common problems."

Natalia Cherepanova (Tomsk Polytech University, Russia): "A great advantage of belonging to globalTA is the opportunity not only to ask technological questions and discuss limitations, but also to find answers with the help of our colleagues."

By: TB