172 results:
161. Session Cryosphere & Climate at EMS 2021  
The 2021 Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society will take place from 3 to 10 September 2021 as an online event and invites contributions. Especially, the session "The cryosphere and…  
162. Margreth Keiler leitet ÖAW-Gebirgsforschung  
Die Geographin und Geomorphologin ist neue Direktorin des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Gebirgsforschung der ÖAW in Innsbruck. Das Institut für Interdisziplinäre Gebirgsforschung der…  
163. Lokalaugenschein der aktuellen Veränderungen am Hallstätter Gletscher  
Am 30. Juli 2020 fand ein Lokalaugenschein der aktuellen Veränderungen am Hallstätter Gletscher mit Bundesministerin Leonore Gewessler und Landesrat Stefan Kaineder zusammen mit Projektpartner…  
164. New article by Kay Helfricht et al.  
New article by Kay Helfricht et al. in the Frontiers in Earth Sciences The study contributes to a better understanding of accuracies and limitations of modeled ice thicknesses by taking advantage of…  
165. DigitAS: Call for Symposium Registration  
This is an invitation to join the public symposium „THE DIGITAL, AFFECTS AND SPACE (DigitAS): REFLECTIONS ON THE SOCIETAL CONSEQUENCES OF A FUTURE IN MIXED REALITIES“, which will be held on 17.5.2019…  
166. Job offer: Project staff in Hydro-Geo Science (PhD position)  
In frame of the ÖAW project Hidden.Ice Earliest start is May 2019, Duration of employment: 3 years at an extend of 30h/week (PhD-position) The employment is realized as a shared position located at…  
167. Andrea Fischer  
PD Mag. Mag. Dr. Andrea Fischer Acting director T +43 512 507 49451 andrea.fischer@oeaw.ac.at www.andreafischer.at Key research areas mountain research, glaciology, permafrost,…  
168. Gloria  
Search results 161 until 170 of 172