Fri, 11.10.2024 14:00

European Fusion Teacher Day 2024

Free online event for teachers, 11 October 2024

Programme of the Teacher Day 2024
Programme of the Teacher Day 2024

This year's “European Fusion Teacher Day” will take place on October 11, 2024. The online event for all science and physics teachers in Europe is organised by the European network FuseNet. The goal of the event is to provide informations about the field of nuclear fusion and to encourage teaching nuclear fusion to secondary school students.

The Teacher Day will take place from 14:00 to 17:00. The event offers a diverse program: in addition to the presentation of teaching materials, participants can expect guided tours of the experimental fusion reactor ITER currently under construction in the south of France and of CIEMAT, the Spanish Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research.

You can register for the free event here.