Special Call Future Soils 2024

Hydrological Impact of Historical Land Use and Climate - Interdisciplinary research on flood formation in small Alpine catchments from around 1850 to present by focussing on specific land use practices (HILUC)

Project Lead: Clemens Geitner – University of Innsbruck Clemens.Geitner(at)uibk.ac.at
Project duration: 3 years

Mountain areas are characterized by small-scaled complex, dynamic, socio-ecological conditions and human-environment interactions. They provide important habitats and strongly influence the surrounding forelands. Maintaining and strengthening their resilience is, therefore, of great importance, especially with regard to the local and regional water balance. Due to heavy precipitation and corresponding runoff from steep catchments, which are highly differentiated by altitude, devastating floods occur at their corresponding alluvial cones and in the receiving valley areas. This makes hydrologically optimized land use management all the more important. The project will therefore investigate the influence of historical and current land use practices, especially among forests, and runoff generation in order to better distinguish it from the effect of climate change for the time periods around 1850, 1960 and 2020. Based on the results of a preliminary project (https://doi.org/10.33993/TR.2021.1.03), an interdisciplinary research team (historical scientists, land use impact researchers, and hydrologists) will collaborate to achieve the following aims: (i) selection of four small Alpine catchments (< 10 km2) in Tyrol, taking into account environmental conditions, data on historic land-use types and intensities, and documented extreme flooding events; (ii) detailed mapping of recent hydrologically relevant features in these four test catchments; (iii) comprehensive survey and evaluation of historic land-use data (around 1850) with a special focus on forest utilisation practises (especially forest pasture, litter raking and branch cutting) and reconstruction of forest structure around 1960 on the basis of forest inventories and aerial photos; (iv) quantification of secondary forest use impacts by experimental and laboratory approaches (e.g., litter removal in combination with rain simulation experiments); (v) modeling of rainfall-runoff-events for the investigated periods (around 1850, 1960 and 2020) and identification of the land use impact on the basis of a developed expert-system to derive run-off classes from historic land-use data; (vi) preparing the modelling results and related process understanding and recommended measures in form of educational material and publications. In order to consider extreme precipitation events from 1855 until 2015 in a more differentiated way, a newly created dataset of dynamic downscaling of global reanalysis data is applied. By combining the natural and human science concepts and methods, runoff disposition maps and subsequent rainfall-runoff modeling for the past can be produced for the first time. These results can be checked against historically documented events and compared to current ones. Thus, for several small test catchments and different time periods, extreme runoff events over the past 170 years can be better differentiated in terms of the influence of land use and climate on runoff formation. The interdisciplinary research approach also integrates stakeholders from forest management, natural hazards, local chronicles, education, and the public. Accordingly, the results and recommendations are also processed in such a way that they can be used for exhibitions, excursions and teaching units at educational institutions in the sense of optimizing the resilience of mountain areas.

Biosphere reserves as models for science-society interaction to spur sustainability transformations in mountainous areas and beyond (BIOSS)

Project Lead: Katharina Gugerell – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna katharina.gugerell(at)boku.ac.at
Project Duration: 3 years

‘BIOSS Biosphere reserves as models for science-society interaction to spur sustainability transformations in mountainous areas and beyond’

Mountain regions - such as the 435 mountain biosphere reserves - and their biocultural diversity are particularly vulnerable to the accelerated and intensified consequences of global change. BIOSS conceptualises mountain biosphere reserves as models for new forms of science-society interaction. The 50th anniversary of UNESCO’s MAN & Biosphere Programme (MAB) is the perfect occasion to look at the evolution of the science-society interaction in biosphere reserves. They have evolved from field education and study sites of disciplinary academic knowledge production towards places for transdisciplinary knowledge co-creation for sustainability. Transdisciplinary knowledge co-creation and the integration of academic and non-academic/local knowledge represents a specific form of science-society interaction. It is considered particularly suitable to create actionable knowledge, spur transformation towards sustainability and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. To our knowledge, BIOSS would be the first attempt to systematically investigate the diversity of science-society interactions, the diversity of established strategic and functional partnerships and project-based research practises in biosphere reserves. BIOSS will address the following research question: How and to what extent have mountain biosphere reserves established as models for science-society interaction and thereby successfully contributed to alleviate pressing sustainability challenges and spur transformation change towards sustainability? 

To analyse, understand and generalise if and how different types of science-society interaction support the transformation towards sustainability in mountain biosphere reserves, we propose a nested research approach covering three levels: (a) mountainous BR on global level; (b) mountainous BR located in the DACH region of the European Alps and (c) research projects located in mountainous BR of the alpine DACH region. The comparative analysis on these three levels will combine document analysis of a global sample of periodic review reports with analytical case studies (for the verification of self-reported data), q-sorting interviews, Social Network Analysis, an international Delphi study and a transnational co-creation workshop for exploring the transferability of international best practice.The variety of science-society interaction within mountain biosphere reserves, the rich and yet under-investigated data source of the periodic reviews and the multi-level BIOSS project design will show if and under what conditions different types of science-society interaction result in knowledge-in-use. BIOSS will spur active dialogue among stakeholders from diverse mountain biosphere reserves, MAB National Committees and scientists from several universities and research organisations. It will trigger and co-create knowledge on how science-society interaction can successfully create impact and spur transitions towards sustainability.

Assessing and fostering the adaptive capacity to climate change of local agricultural communities in mountainous areas (COMMUNITYadapt)

Project Lead: Christine Altenbuchner – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna  christine.altenbuchner(at)boku.ac.at
Project Duration: 3 Jahre

Natural resources and food systems are specifically exposed to climatic variability and extremes. However, the vulnerability of households and communities is not only influenced by climate change impacts, but also by their adaptive capacity (AC). AC is the ability of systems, institutions, humans and other organisms to adjust to potential damage, take advantage of opportunities, or respond to consequences. It is the capability of a system to react on exposure by withstanding or recovering from it. AC is integral to both vulnerability and resilience frameworks and influenced by human actions and is connected to both biophysical and social elements of a system. In this research project we will develop a composite index to elaborate indicators to compare AC levels of specific communities in different spatial and certification contexts with empirical research in Austria, Switzerland and California by use of the Community Capitals Framework (CCF). According to the CCF, this research extends the indicators to seven different community capitals (human, social, financial, physical, natural capital as well as cultural and political capital), shifting the focus from the household to the community perspective. This creates a more holistic approach and enables a better comparison of different regional, cultural and political contexts in the agricultural sector in Austria, Switzerland and California. The comparison of different production and certification systems as well as study regions and associated AC (levels) allows to draw conclusions for different AC development pathways in agricultural supply chains as well as to formulate recommendations to increase AC in local agricultural communities in mountainous areas. In the elaboration of a composite index, indicators are derived from literature and triangulated by expert interviews. For the empirical analysis, a household survey will be conducted to capture the AC levels of local agricultural communities. Approximately 200 interviews with farmers will be carried out in each of the three case study areas, capturing one community with and one without a certification system. Together with our project partners at FiBL Switzerland and UC Davis, we selected the three case studies: Hay milk producing farming communities in mountainous areas in Tyrol, Austria; organic milk producing farming communities in mountainous areas in Grisons, Switzerland; organic beef producing farming communities in mountainous areas in California, USA. The innovative aspect of this research project is that AC is studied from a community perspective rather than a purely individual view. Furthermore, a systematic analysis of how certification affects the AC of agricultural communities compared to those that cultivate non-certified is missing to date. So far, AC indices lack recognition of cultural and political capital. The inclusion of these determinants based on the CCF and indicators represents new scientific research ground. The comparison of sector-specific AC levels in different production systems and study areas enables the elaboration of different development pathways for agricultural communities.

Qualitative and quantitative impact of climate change on alpine spring waters and their microbial biodiversity – an eco-hydrogeological approach (ECOSPRING)

Project Lead: Gerfried Winkler – University of Graz gerfried.winkler(at)uni-graz.at
Project Duration: 3 years

Climate change is expected to have a significant impact on the hydrology of alpine regions and thus, alpine freshwater resources and biodiversity hotspots are under an increasing pressure. Alpine spring waters fed by groundwater are a crucial resource for water supply and the alpine ecosystems. The impact of climate change on its runoff pattern including future predictions has rarely been addressed so far. The monitoring of springs as currently operated focuses primarily on physical-chemical indicators ignoring the biodiversity of microbial communities as key ecosystem functions. Thus, the overall aims of this project are to quantify the impact of climate change on spring water runoff pattern, to establish a first comprehensive dataset for the microbial biodiversity of Austrian alpine spring waters with respect to their catchment characteristics and to apply microbial community pattern as an environmental tracer with regard to the transient water quality and to spring catchments.

Therefore, targeted investigations at springs will be conducted at a regional and a local scale. A spring discharge classification will be developed based on analysis of hydrological long-term data from some 90 springs distributed over entire Austria. Delineation of the spring catchments and coupled rainfall-runoff and isotopic modelling approaches will enhance the quantification of the spring discharge responses, with respect to different climate change scenarios considering in particular snow cover dynamic changes. Time series analysis and multivariate statistics will be applied to advance the current understanding of the interrelation of spring water quantity responses to hydrometeorological extremes (e.g. droughts), and to correlate hydrological and hydrochemical (e.g. electric conductivity) trends. In addition, all spring waters will be sampled twice to characterize their microbial communities during low and high flow conditions and derive seasonal spring-specific signatures. At local scale three springs with different catchment settings (e.g. geology, elevation) will be selected for an extended monitoring to identify the seasonal and short-term variability and changes of the microbial signatures. This includes temporal high-resolution sampling of spring water for hydrochemical and stable water isotope analysis, as well as the characterization of water quality components (e.g. dissolved organic carbon content). Microbial measures of biomass, activity, and biodiversity will complement the monitoring. After evaluating different hydrogeological and ecological indicators and indices separately, recommendations will be developed for an integrated eco-hydrogeological classification. The linkage between the microbial communities of the recharge components entering the aquifer system (input; e.g. microbes in the snow cover) and the microbial communities in spring waters (output) will support the catchment characterization as individual microbial species and groups may act as a time-integrating bio-marker and thus as an environmental tracer. Future potential application of our eco-hydrogeological approach for a sustainable water resource management will depend on acceptance in water policy and practice. Thus, key stakeholders and federal authorities will be involved right from the beginning.

High Alpine Lake Biodiversity and Climate Change – A Transdisciplinary Approach (AlpLake-Change)

Project Lead: Stephen A. Wickham – University of Salzburg Stephen.WICKHAM(at)plus.ac.at
Project Duration: 3 years

High alpine lakes are fragile habitats, under increasing stress due to anthropogenic climate change.  Understanding how climate change will impact the current and future biodiversity and ecosystem functioning requires understanding how biological, geological and sociological factors interact to drive community composition and processes in these lakes.

This study proposes to build upon an on-going monitoring program of high alpine lakes in the National Park Hohe Tauern (NPHT). That program characterized the zooplankton communities in the lakes and the large differences in the plankton communities and abiotic conditions between lakes. However, to understand how the biodiversity in high alpine lake will change in the future, we need to understand how ecological, geological/geomorphological and sociological factors interact to drive community composition and processes in natural ecosystems. To address this issue, we are suggesting a project tightly integrating the corresponding scientific disciplines. 

Our proposed project consists of (1) field campaigns, (2) laboratory experiments and (3) interaction with relevant tourist- and educational organisations.  (1) In the field, the geological, geomorphological, hydrological, and climatic setting of the lakes will be assessed, parallel to studying the plankton community of the lakes, in order to determine the role of chemical and physical parameters in driving the between-lake differences in plankton communities. To examine the role of hikers as vectors for plankton dispersal, we will analyse samples from their clothing and boots for zooplankton resting eggs. (2) Laboratory experiments will test hypotheses concerning the ecological processes driving community composition: the ability of large zooplankton species to preclude invasion by new lowland species; the hostile environment of high alpine lakes limiting the colonization success of invading species; and species sorting, where the species found in a lake are those best adapted to the habitat in which they are found. (3) In cooperation with the NP’s visitor and educational centres, the motivation and attitudes towards natural habitats of visitors to the NPHT will be assessed. Knowledge of how visitors view these habitats will allow predictions of how they will approach remote areas in the future, as well as helping in developing strategies to sensitize future visitors to the fragile nature of these habitats.

Our inter- and transdisciplinary approach will strengthen the connection between society and science and aims to provide a basis to predict the multifaceted impacts of climate change on high alpine lakes, in addition to raise awareness of those impacts to the stakeholders of protected areas.

Integrative geothermal energy potential in the eastern part of the Inn Valley: A key demo case for resilient geothermal energy supply in Alpine regions (GeoEN-Inntal)

Project Lead: Gregor Götzl – Geological Survey of Austria gregor.goetzl(at)geologie.ac.at
Project Duration: 3 years

GeoEN-Inntal investigates the possible use of geothermal energy for heating, cooling, heat storage and electricity production in Alpine settlement areas. In times of climate change and required substitution of fossil fuels, the implementation of renewable energy is essential and complies with the aims of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (https://sdgs.un.org). Alpine regions might benefit from the availability of on-site renewable energy sources like hydropower, biomass and solar energy, but are often confronted with the limitation of available surface space, strong impact of the surface relief (e.g., shadowing) and a higher risk of negative impacts on health, biodiversity and landscape. Geothermal energy represents a space saving, on-site available and sustainable energy source, which is moreover independent of weather conditions and seasonal changes. Using geothermal energy helps to mitigate the dependency on energy imports, reduces the impact of renewable energy use on surface space consumption, landscape and health. It is moreover capable to provide base load supply not affected by varying external factors. However, geothermal energy still covers a niche inside the energy sector, although it has the potential to make significant contributions to the resilience and sustainability of the energy supply in Alpine regions.

The project aims at a spatial evaluation of resources and limitations of use related to geothermal energy at its full technological spectrum including small-scale and large-scale applications as well as underground heat storage using the eastern part of the Inn Valley region between Innsbruck and Kufstein. In the past years, there have been several local initiatives to use geothermal energy in the Inn Valley. So far, there has been no regional and integrative consideration of all possible uses of geothermal energy. The GeoEn-Inntal project aims at a transdisciplinary geo- and socio-scientific study to evaluate future options and challenges (e.g., associated seismicity) related to geothermal energy use.

The interdisciplinary consortium, consisting of geoscientists (geology, hydrogeology, geothermal research and seismology) and social scientists (human geography) aims to address the following guiding scientific questions: How and to which extent may geothermal energy support the resilience of the Alpine energy sector?

How resilient is the use of geothermal energy itself in the context of climate, environmental and social-ecological transformation in the Alpine region?

How can a sustainable deployment of geothermal energy inside Alpine regions be reached and which pathways may be followed?

In this context, the eastern part of the Inn valley serves as an excellent role model for other Alpine regions because of:

1) multiple options to apply geothermal energy technologies, 2) significant population density and energy demand and 3) challenges to fulfil the decarbonisation goals inside the energy sector, to which geothermal energy may contribute.

Photovoltaics, Humans and the Biosphere: A transdisciplinary approach fostering Alpine resilience (BioPV)

Project Lead: Patrick Scherhaufer – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna patrick.scherhaufer(at)boku.ac.at
Project Duration: 3 years

BioPV conducts an inter- and transdisciplinary research on the potentials of ground-mounted photovoltaics in transition zones of Austrians biosphere reserves by addressing conflicts and synergies of an integrated sustainable development. Techno-economic modelling, ecological analyses and habitat surveys, social-scientific quantitative and qualitative methods of social acceptance, and participatory planning exercises are combined to offer a significant contribution, both in theory, as well as in practice. The project is designed to increase renewable energy capacities in Austria based on the concepts and goals of sustainability and resilience. With its strong emphasis on developing a sustainable relationship between humans and the environment, BioPV will provide a major contribution to reach the goals of SDG 15 ‘Life on Land’ of the United Nations, of the EU’s biodiversity strategy for 2030 and the Austrians target of climate neutrality in 2040.

In general, alpine regions serve as a prime example of highly sensitive areas to impacts of infrastructure buildings. In this context, BioPV focuses on social, ecological and land use conflicts and elaborates possible solutions for these problems. The project will start with a spatio-temporal analysis of the techno-economic potential of both rooftop and ground-mounted PV in all three Austrian biosphere reserves followed by a stocktaking of habitats in specific test sites and an assessment of possible ecological impacts of PV on biodiversity. In addition, qualitative and quantitative studies of social acceptance will be conducted. After the exploration of techno-economic, ecological and societal potentials and limitations a participatory landscape planning approach will be developed. Public involvement will be facilitated through the so-called laboratories, which will engage regional stakeholders and citizens from the selected case study regions. This element of transdisciplinarity is mirrored on a project management level by the constitution of an advisory stakeholder group, which will accompany the research, providing feedback but equally gaining insights as the project progresses. Overall, BioPV investigates scenarios of ground-mounted PV systems in ecologically and aesthetically sensitive landscapes.

The project focuses on investigating the relationship and potential contradictories of nature conservation, climate protection and renewable energy development. Social and ecological aspects are emphasised, because these issues often prevent projects from being implemented. As the energy transition depends on many local decisions, there is a strong need for better conflict management and participation in planning and decision-making processes. By considering adequate processes to apprehend potential impediments, BioPV offers valuable insights in the field of sustainable energy production while fostering resilience.

Moving mountains - landslides as geosystem services in Austrian geoparks (Movemont)

Project Lead: Martin Mergili – University of Graz martin.mergili(at)uni-graz.at
Project Duration: 3 years

Landslides are common processes in mountain areas, forming an integral part of their long-term destruction. To society, such phenomena may mean risks and disasters on the one hand, having triggered a huge bulk of research. However, landslides may also represent significant natural and cultural heritage and offer services to society, aspects that are yet under-researched and may be included in the rather scarcely used concept of geosystem services. In this context, landslides also help us to learn how Earth surface systems are functioning. UNESCO Global Geoparks represent ideal environments of exploring and highlighting geosystem services related to landslides, particularly in Austria where the three existing UNESCO Global Geoparks (Karawanken/Karavanke, Erz der Alpen, Steirische Eisenwurzen) are characterized by the occurrence of a broad range of landslide types and magnitudes. On this basis, the project objectives are defined as follows:

  1. We will develop an integrated theoretical framework considering landslide processes and their societal relevance in a comprehensive way, including chances and risks over various scales in time and space. In this context, we will pick up the concept of geosystem services, which has repeatedly appeared in the literature as a spin-off term of the more broadly employed ecosystem services, but not yet come into more widespread use.
  2. We will map and characterize the landslides in each of the involved UNESCO Global Geoparks, using a common methodology and exploiting existing databases, as a basis for the further steps. We will investigate the role landslides play for the development of karst landforms and karst research. We will further analyze the role of landslides for biodiversity, including their importance for hosting rare or endangered plant and animal species, but also for microbial diversity in the soils.
  3. We develop an integrated tool set for the GIS-based simulation of landslide preconditioning and dynamics. Thereby, we focus on broad-scale analysis of stress distribution in mountains and its role for slope stability, and on the dynamics of slow-moving mass flows and complex deep-seated landslides and slope deformations, with the aim to use the simulations for environmental education eg. through immersive virtual reality visualization.
  4. We will develop and implement strategies to better use landslide phenomena for environmental education in the broad sense, using the involved UNESCO Global Geoparks as pilot areas. As landslides often represent spectacular phenomena creating remarkable landforms, they are suitable for generating enthusiasm for geo-scientific topics among people, and are therefore useful for demonstrating complex geomorphological processes.

The project will be implemented by an interdisciplinary team of scientists of the University of Graz and the University of Salzburg, and environmental education specialists from the three involved UNESCO Global Geoparks. It will be embedded into the international research and geopark landscapes through various collaborations.

Increasing Resilience Among Young People and Communities in Paznaun Valley via an Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research-Education-Collaboration Linking Hydroclimatology, Behavioral Medicine, and Education for Sustainable Development (KIDZ PAZ-NOWn)

Project Lead: Lars Keller – University of Innsbruck lars.keller(at)uibk.ac.at
Project Duration: 3 Jahre

Alpine human-environment-systems are affected by various types of natural hazards by their very nature. Climate change is expected to alter exposure to natural hazards in Alpine regions as a result of changes in temperature and precipitation. Resilience, as the capacity to master tasks and challenges with available resources, determines whether individuals and communities in Alpine regions are able to resist, absorb, accommodate to and recover after facing a disturbance or challenge like climate change impacts or hazardous events.

The proposed project KIDZ PAZ-NOWn aims at strengthening resilience in Paznaun Valley in Tyrol (Austria) with respect to potential climate- and water-related hazards in the near (2021-2050) and far (2071-2100) future. The study area has been selected deliberately by the interdisciplinary investigation team as Paznaun Valley looks back at a history of extreme weather events, natural hazards (especially floods and avalanches like the massive Galtür avalanche event in 1999 or the highly destructive flood in 2005) and epidemics/pandemics (e.g. the Plague and more recently the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic). In KIDZ PAZ-NOWn, climate- and water-related hazards will be derived from current state-of-the art climate projections as well as from subsequent hydrological simulations for the study region, involving the experience of the local population in the framework of a mutual learning process (e.g. by jointly defining hazard-relevant indicators or “what-if-scenarios” of potential future land use changes). In KIDZ PAZ-NOWn, we go beyond the traditional interpretation of resilience of “recovering the status quo before a crisis/threat occurred” as mentioned above. In our approach, resilience is the strive to use learning effects resulting from a

research-education-collaboration, which aims at raising scientific and societal literacy, and fostering an intergenerational dialogue, to analyze prior challenges and evolve via a socio-ecological transformation towards sustainability.

To reach the defined goals of increased resilience and sustainable development in Paznaun Valley, we follow an inter-and transdisciplinary research approach by i) linking the disciplines of Hydroclimatology (University of Innsbruck), Behavioral Medicine (Medical University of Innsbruck), and Education for Sustainable Development (University of Innsbruck) as well as ii) science and society in the framework of a three-year research-education-collaboration. The societal groups involved in the project cover a wide range of individuals with different ages, perspectives, experience horizons, and living conditions, with a special focus on young people (students), which will be the most affected by future challenges of 21st century, but also representatives from hazard-relevant institutions (e.g. local rescue teams) as well as from the local community administration. With the proposed inter- and transdisciplinary research approach we lay an optimistic foundation for lasting future resilience and the transformation of societies towards sustainability in Paznaun Valley. As the valley is not only an example for a typical Alpine valley with a history of climate- and

water-related hazards in the past, but is also representative for many Austrian valleys in terms of demographic and educational structure, the findings achieved in KIDZ PAZ-NOWn can be transferred to other, similar mountain environments and contexts.

Microplastic in the Alpine water cycle – example of Austria (AlPlast)

Project Lead: Marcel Liedermann – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna marcel.liedermann(at)boku.ac.at
Project Duration: 3 years

Plastic waste as a persistent contaminant of our environment is a matter of increasing concern due to the longevity of plastic in the environment and largely unknown long-term effects on biota. Although freshwater systems are known to be the transport paths of plastic debris to the ocean, most research has been focused on marine environments. Freshwater have advanced rapidly, but they rarely address the spatial distribution of plastic debris in the water column. A methodology for measuring microplastic transport at various depths was developed by the project team. However, plastic contamination in the Austrian mountains is not yet been addressed at all. Likewise, there is no information about possible biodegradation by microbes. Yet, river corridors represent one of the most used and modified landscape elements in the Alps. They provide key ecosystem services (ES), but currently many of them are endangered. Hence the effects of human uses on the rivers and ES need to be understood and tackled. Based on the required process understanding and knowledge gaps, AlPlast aims - for the first time - to quantify plastic occurrence in the Austrian Alps, ranging from the glaciers at the top, over steep mountain channels to medium sized lowland rivers.

In a multi-step approach, hot-spots will be identified to measure microplastic in relevant Alpine areas. Particle counts, type determination and concentrations will be elaborated for description of the most abundant plastic types in the Alpine environment. For addressing also the smallest particle sizes, a strategy combining net sampling and isokinetic pump sampling is suggested to fully investigate microplastic occurrence and transport in the Austrian Alps. Glaciers will be addressed as being the remotest areas of the Austria Alps. If microplastic finds its way to these areas, possible transport paths will be evaluated. Also, temporal changes of microplastic load in the snow cover will be tackled by taking snow samples in snow pits with 10 cm depth resolution.

A transdisciplinary approach is envisaged from the beginning of the project. Important stakeholders were already integrated into the team in the preliminary phase of the project. This is already of central importance in the selection of the sampling sites, but also with regard to the sampling, the inclusion of citizen science should lead to an improvement and expansion of the data sets. In terms of dissemination and the sustainability of the project's impacts, the integration of local society and stakeholders should bring decisive advantages. GIS-based upscaling and estimation of plastic pollution on a larger scale, based on the collected data and identified variables shall result in a pollution heat map for the Alpine region as a basis for plastic pollution management in Austria.

Microplastics degrading microbes potentially present at the very same sampling sites will be identified based on knowledge about biodegradation of the respective synthetic polymers. Therefore, modern methods of metagenome analysis will be used for the discovery of even un-culturable microbes and their enzymes. In parallel, microorganisms potentially present will be cultivated and degradation of (labelled) model polymers and real microplastic samples assessed. An interdisciplinary team will address the different research questions.

Improving the Hydromorphology of Alpine Rivers in the Provision of Ecosystem Services through Responsible, Resilient River Restoration (HyMo4us!)

Project Lead: Mario Klösch – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna mario.kloesch(at)boku.ac.at
Project Duration: 3 years

In mountain regions, competing demands for use are concentrated along rivers in mostly narrow valleys. After systematic channelization and sediment retention by transverse structures in the catchment massively impaired biodiversity as well as direct human uses, and after the condition deteriorated further due to riverbed incision, river widening emerged as an effective countermeasure. With increasing awareness of the ecosystem services (ES) provided by a functioning hydromorphology and in order to reduce the bedload input required for bed stabilisation, the provision of corridors is recommended for channel widening. There, the hydromorphology can develop freely and is thus mainly determined by the bedload supply. However, the required amount of bedload that would ensure the functionality of the hydromorphology to provide the ES needed today and the associated space requirements are unknown.

HyMo4us! first surveys the historical and current uses along Alpine rivers. For a study section of the Drava, a hydromorphological laboratory model is deployed to search for the bedload input, which results in a morphology corresponding to the historical condition. Based on the morphology and morphodynamics recorded in detail, ES such as habitat provision, flood protection, groundwater supply and offers for recreational activities are determined for these conditions. Subsequently, the results of the laboratory model are used to identify the range of bedload input, which creates a hydromorphology that offers ES according to the surveyed human demands. Additional investigations of major flow events indicate the resilience in the provision of ES under climate change-induced changes in hydrology and bedload input, and serve to narrow down the target bedload input. Following the hypothesis that the width distribution of a natural channel is related to the depth transverse distribution, regression analysis is used to try to exploit the potential of historical maps for calculating a historical bedload transport as a natural reference. The resulting bedload and space requirements will be analysed with an experienced planner for feasibility, and a dialogue with policy makers on the weighting of current uses will be promoted. The results will lead to a guideline that will be made available as a support for current river development and risk management concepts. The development of didactic material together with pupils and a training course offered for teacher training colleges promote a responsible approach to the hydromorphology of alpine rivers across generations.

The pillars of soil – Monitoring and documenting the arthropod soil biodiversity to assess soil quality and implement measures for soil management and renaturation (BIOMES)

Project lead: Tobias Pfingstl – University Graz – tobias.pfingstl(at)uni-graz.at
Project duration: 2 Years Funding: 266.300 €

Soils provide important ecosystem services, like food security, carbon sequestration, water purification etc. and all these services considerably impact human wellbeing. Soil organisms form complex food webs that promote nutrient cycling and thus they have an important role for maintaining the ecosystem services of the soil. Many human activities have led to a dramatic increase in soil degradation in the last few decades and thus threaten this precious resource on a global scale. Soil monitoring is essential for the early detection of changes in soil quality and therefore official frameworks for soil monitoring have been installed in most member states of the European Union. Monitoring programs have traditionally been based on chemical and physical parameters of the soil only and were not supplemented by an ecological approach considering the characteristics of the soil fauna. Healthy soils are clearly linked to a healthy soil fauna and therefore soil organisms have been shown to be good indicators for soil quality. Moreover, the loss of soil biodiversity was identified as one of the main threats to Europe’s soil and more research on soil biodiversity is required by the EU. Despite that situation, using soil organisms as indicators for soil health lags behind in many European countries, Austria included.

The present project intends to establish soil monitoring based on biological indicators in Austria but also to intensify research on soil biodiversity as well as to raise the awareness for the belowground fauna and its importance for soil productivity and function in the society. The first part of the project will be a comprehensive soil monitoring program using promising biological soil indicators, namely mites, springtails and millipedes. A total of 280 sites of undisturbed versus disturbed soil types will be sampled and monitored over a two-year period. The results will allow us to assess the soil quality and its changes, but also to further improve the use of these animals for monitoring purposes. The second part of this project concerns soil biodiversity research, the collected data from the monitoring will provide us with important national reference data (species numbers and composition, DNA sequence data) for specific soil types and will give us important insights into the soil biodiversity of different soil habitats. Additionally, relevant soil biological historical literature, which is not yet accessible for a wider community, will be compiled, digitized and incorporated in modern databases. The third part of the project will be to raise the awareness of the importance of soil and soil biodiversity. By performing so-called ‘Open Science Days’ teachers and students from primary and secondary schools will get the opportunity to playfully learn how to collect in the field and how to get in touch with the small soil-dwelling animals by using simple scientific equipment.

A team of seven soil biologists with different expertise in soil animal groups and soil biological methods will be responsible for the successful completion of this project. The results should help to develop early detection of changes in soil quality, to understand and protect soil biodiversity and to develop measures to maintain the sustainable use of soils.

Soil Weathering Rates in Forests (SWIFT)

Project lead: Alois Simon – Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung – alois.simon(at)tirol.gv.at
Project duration: 2 Years Funding: 282.100 €

Soil weathering is responsible for the supply of plant-available nutrients, the buffering of acidic deposits and it determines the soil development. Among others, the mineralogy of the underlying substrate, physical and chemical soil characteristics aswell as climatic factors have been identified as its main drivers. Soil weathering is essential for providing soil-based ecosystem services like the production of forest biomass or the regulation of nutrient and carbon cycles, to name just a few. Yet, soil information in mountain regions, e.g. about nutrient status is still scarce in Europe, even though new approaches like the spatial modelling for forest sites have been implemented over the past years in Austria (Tyrol, Styria). Additionally, novel dynamic approaches now take into account the effects of climate change on water availability and temperature conditions, whereas soil properties were considered to remain constant. Weathering rates are known to be controlled by temperature and soil moisture. Rather new, however, is the increasing evidence on sensitivity of soil weathering rates caused by altered conditions due to climate change. Therefore, soil weathering rates require to be assessed and included within forest site classification models in order to ensure sustainable forest management recommendations and soil protection according to the Forest Act.

The project aims to model soil weathering rates using the process based approach of the PROFILE/ForSAFE model, and incorporate it into the Tyrolean forest site classification by linking it to its subsolum geological substrate information. The contributions to mineral weathering and base cation replenishment will be allocated to the mineral soil or the soil forming parent material. Moreover, sustainable biomass use of forests is assessed by estimating soil weathering rates versus the deprivation of nutrients due to harvesting or leaching. The project further aims to identify potential nutritional bottlenecks, which might limit tree growth in higher altitudes. Additionally, a long-term in situ study will complement information on soil weathering for selected sites of different elevations and different geological substrates.

For the study area in Tyrol, already available data includes analysed soil- and deposit samples, high-resolution climate data, and information on atmospheric deposits. Soil water balance is currently being modelled, and additional sampling campaigns for subsolum geological substrate analysis and solid rock classification will take place.

The collaboration with the Stockholm University, ensures expertise on implementation and application of the modelling approach and promotes international scientific exchange. As part of The Tyrolean forest site classification, results will be integrated into Tyrolean forest management practice and into education and training of foresters and students alike. SWIFT enhances knowledge requested by national and international programs and initiatives, e.g. LTRE, the UN sustainable development goals, Climate Smart Forestry, or the Austrian Forest Strategy 2020+. Findings may further be beneficial for forest site classification projects in other parts of Austria and beyond, and provide useful information for the Soil Health Law initiative of the European Union.

Soil Monitoring Austria (SoMONA)

Project lead: Monika Tulipan – Umweltbundesamt - monika.tulipan(at)umweltbundesamt.at
Project duration: 2 Years Funding: 218.000 €

Introduction: International and EU initiatives and regulations (e.g. the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, the EU Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’, the EU Soil Monitoring and Resilience Law, LULUCF Regulation, INSPIRE Directive) strive for jointly and coordinated protection and restoration of soils and their functions to ensure their sustainable use. This requires standardizing and harmonizing soil assessment and monitoring for developing management measures that preserve soil functions, soil health and soil quality. Furthermore, on a national level the demand for soil information is increasing due to questions of proper land use considering the fulfilment of soil functions and status and development of soil quality.

Challenges: Soil data collection, monitoring, processing, evaluation, assessment and reporting as well as regulations and responsibilities vary even within Austria. These processes need to be consolidated and amended to meet the current and expected national and European requirements, e.g. as developed for the EU Soil Monitoring and Resilience Law. Thus, a joint coordination of sustainable soil management and safeguarding or improving of soil health and soil quality would be feasible.

Aims and Actions: This project aims at developing a concept as well as an implementation plan for a future national soil monitoring system covering the collection, processing, administration and provision of harmonised soil data for Austria via a data cube managed by an Austrian soil data cooordination centre, services and consultation on soil data and derived soil function information.

This will be done by

- Analysis of monitoring and data requirements and assessment of avaialble soil data and survey systems, both on national and international level, and  identification of gaps with regard to the soil monitoring in Austria compared to international and EU requirements

- Consultation of stakeholders and soil (data) experts in workshops and interviews

- Development of a concept for Soil Monitoring in Austria and its implementation including the establishment of a national coordination and service centre for Austrian soil data

Result: The concept comprises all existing and future determined soil data, includes information on necessary financial and human resources, framework conditions, leveraging synergies and bundling competences to operate a soil data coordination centre supported by soil monitoring on provincial level. The concept can be used by authorities and/or stakeholders to implement a national soil monitoring and establish a soil data coordination centre necessary for joint and coordinated qualitative and quantitative soil protection and management. With this approach, national, international and EU reporting obligations can be fulfilled with nationally harmonized soil information and more time and resource efficiency.

Project consortium: soil and data management experts from the Umweltbundesamt (Environment Agency Austria) maintaining the soil information system of the Federal State and the Provinces, soil experts from the AGES, experienced in soil data collection and assessment from agricultural soils and soil experts and data managers from the BFW, maintaining the digital agricultural soil map of Austria and carrying out the federal forest soil monitoring in Austria.

Soil Spectroscopy for Monitoring and Mapping in Austria (BOSPORUS)

Project lead: Stefan Forstner – Bundesforschungszentrum Wald - stefan.forstner(at)bfw.gv.at
Project duration: 2 Years Funding: 277.000 €

Quantitative knowledge of physico-chemical soil properties is required in time (monitoring ) and space (mapping) to safeguarded soil functions as aimed at in the EU Soil Mission. In Austria, there are several national monitoring and mapping programs that can in principle be utilized for this need. However, it has become clear that high costs of wet-chemical laboratory methods can severely impede monitoring by repeated sampling and can prohibit efforts to map soil properties at high spatial resolution via Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) techniques. Implementation of analytical technologies allowing for cost-efficient, high-throughput characterisation of physico-chemical soil properties such as Fourier transform mid-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy is thus urgently needed.

 Within BOSPORUS, we will bring together three key elements to harness the potential of IR -spectroscopy for soil monitoring and mapping in Austria. We will (1) set-up a soil spectroscopy laboratory at the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW) equipped for high-throughput analyses; (2) build a large soil spectral library (SSL) for Austrian forest soils based on IR-spectra and laboratory reference data of 1300 archived soil samples; and (3) test the utility of IR-spectroscopically inferred soil data for monitoring and DSM in a forested catchment in Styria. We will measure IR-spectra of approx. 1600 soil samples which will be combined with reference data to create three distinct SSLs: one large SSL representative for Austrian forest soils and two SSLs reflecting soil conditions at the test area at two different time points.

 These datasets will be used to answer four research questions: (1) how well can we predict chemical properties of Austrian forest soils with global models from a large SSL?; (2) how well can we monitor site-specific soil properties using local IR-spectra and spectral transfer from a large SSL?; (3) how do traditional pedotransfer functions compare against spectral models in predicting missing soil data; and (4) can the inclusion of spectroscopically inferred soil data yield DSM products of similar quality compared to a standard scenario?

To this end, we will build several models with both machine learning and traditional chemometric techniques to predict soil properties from IR-spectra. In addition, we will use machine learning to create maps of soil properties for the test area. These maps will be based on traditional and IR-spectroscopically determined data points in various proportions.

The project outcomes will thus include (1) an operative soil spectroscopy lab at the Austrian Research Centre for Forest; (2) three SSLs for Austrian forest soils that can serve as the backbone of an Austrian SSL covering multiple land-uses; (3) validated global spectral models for several important physico-chemical soil properties; (4) validated local spectral models for monitoring of the test area; and (5) digital soil property maps of the test area.

Project outcomes will be disseminated through publications in peer-reviewed and popular journals and, for the test area, will be discussed with ongoing foresters in an on-site workshop.

Assessing the effects of minimum tillage on soil biodiversity using metabarcoding (MetaSoil)

Project lead: Michael Traugott – University Innsbruck – michael.traugott(at)uibk.ac.at
Project duration: 2 Years Funding: 284.500 €

Soils are complex habitats for a plethora of life, and soil scientists have long recognized that the soil biota is one of the foundations in both how soils themselves are formed, as well as what feeds most of the above ground life in almost all terrestrial habitats. Therefore there is a huge need to understand the “black box” of life that resides below ground. Not the least, because this life is under huge human pressure, even though it feeds us.

Farmers are deeply aware of the need of healthy and productive soils, and reducing tillage and disturbance of the soil is something that should foster soil life and soil health in general.  How reducing tillage in arable land affects soil biodiversity and the soil health status, however, is poorly understood. Moreover, it would be desirable to allow measuring the status of soil biodiversity in individual fields for the adjustment of soil management to promote specific functional groups that are essential for soil ecosystem services.

In this project we will measure soil biodiversity and investigate how it is affected by reducing tillage by capitalizing on the potential of (e)DNA metabarcoding to characterize overall soil biodiversity. The proposed research will examine differences in the species/taxa richness and composition of belowground communities in conventionally tilled and minimum tillage crop fields, and target a broad set of functional groups within soil organism assemblages – ranging from soil microbes to animals -that play key roles in the provision of soil ecosystem services.

For this purpose we will investigate a variety of agricultural fields with different soil types across Austria, in collaboration with the grassroots farmer network Bodenleben (German for Soil Life). More specifically this project will explore avenues for linking DNA-based biodiversity assessments to established indicators of biological soil health, utilizing metabarcoding data on the prevalence of keystone species and functional guilds in sampled soils. In addition, members of the farmer network will be directly involved in this study to evaluate the feasibility of implementing citizen science approaches in soil biodiversity monitoring frameworks with stakeholder engagement.

Finally, the value of this collaboration with the Bodenleben farmers, agricultural extension specialists, commercial labs (which offer soil analytics) and governmental institutions dealing with soils in agriculture, will be that we gain an understanding of how metabarcoding of soil life can provide a user friendly and more comprehensive understanding of soil biodiversity. This will help us and future studies as well as the land owners themselves understand how their soil respond to management practices such as for example minimum tillage. The outcomes of our project will facilitate informed decision-making by land users, scientists and policymakers to support sustainable agricultural management that prioritizes long-term soil health and ecosystem resilience.

In situ Tracking of Soil Invisibles: A case Study of Soil Nitrogen Cycling via Simultaneous Monitoring of Soil Microbes, Soil Chemicals, and Soil Gases (SOILMCG)

Project lead: Stefanie Maier – University of Graz – stefanie.maier(at)uni-graz.at
Project duration: 2 years Funding: 280.800 €

Soils are the living skin of the Earth, playing a pivotal role in the water, carbon, nitrogen, and other elemental cycles necessary for sustaining life. The porous nature of soils facilitates the co-existence of multiple phases, including solid particles, liquids, and gases. This enables the exchange of matter, energy, and information between the soil and the atmosphere, while also serving as habitats for diverse organisms that drive biological processes within the overall biogeochemical cycles. Nitrogen (N) is one of the essential elements for both soil organisms and plants, and its availability depends on microbial processes like nitrification and denitrification. While increased N levels from fertilization can enhance plant growth and increase crop yields, it also leads to undesirable environmental consequences like the leaching of N compounds into aquifers and the release of gaseous N as air pollutants. Appropriate use of fertilizers can assist in reducing these detrimental emissions, but effective optimization requires precise measurement with mechanistic understanding of soil N processes. However, tracking the true mass balance throughout N transformation is challenging due to the highly reactive and unstable nature of soil N compounds.

In the proposed project, we will develop an interdisciplinary measurement setup for in situ monitoring of soil not only in the laboratory but also under field conditions to measure microbial genetic compounds, substrates in soil water, emitted gaseous compounds, which we refer to as soil invisibles. To track these soil invisibles in situ, we plan to combine the strengths of the open flow microperfusion (OFM) technology, which allows for continuous sampling of microbial metabolites, with the dynamic chamber (DC) method for online monitoring of soil gas emissions. The project will develop this new hybrid method (OFM-DC) and demonstrate its application to the study of N cycling, specifically by investigating the effects of N additions to agricultural soils. Using the OFM-DC, we will simultaneously track (1) microbial N-transforming activities; (2) inorganic N compounds in soil solution (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, nitric acid); and (3) soil gases emissions (CO2 and N gases). As a comparative study, we will examine two methods of N addition: chemical N fertilizers and N fixing organisms. By incorporating a mechanistic model, we aim to investigate the changes in microbial processes following N addition and quantify its impacts on the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and N. With the implementation of this innovative measurement system and a comprehensive mechanistic model, our research seeks to bridge the current knowledge gaps in dynamic processes of soils and contribute to the achievement soil health. This will enable us to address global environmental challenges including the regulation of biogeochemical processes, nutrient cycling, food security, greenhouse gas management, and soil pollution.

Grassland management and the resilience of soil carbon to drought (DroughtSoil)

Project lead: Michael Bahn – University Innsbruck – stefanie.maier(at)uni-graz.at
Project duration: 2 Years Funding: 250.100 €

Grasslands cover more than two thirds of the agricultural land and store large amounts of carbon (C) in soil. Grassland management has been shown to strongly affect soil C sequestration, which plays a key role in climate regulation. However, there are large uncertainties as to whether and how grassland management might alter the vulnerability of soil organic carbon (SOC) to drought. This is critical, given that drought events have become a highly impactful feature of climate change and are expected to increase further in frequency and intensity. The proposed project aims 1) to understand the vulnerability and drought resilience of SOC stocks and soil CO2 emissions of grasslands differing in management intensity and land use, 2) to investigate how drought intensity alters rhizosphere priming effects on soil organic matter decomposition across the grasslands, 3) to test for legacy effects of multiyear recurrent drought on grassland responses of soil respiration and soil C mineralization to subsequent drought and rewetting, 4) to provide a broader synthesis of overall drought responses of SOC stocks and soil CO2 emissions in grasslands in relation to soil and ecosystem properties as well as management practices, establishing a database which can serve as input and validation for models, and 5) to obtain inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge integration and develop recommendations for grassland management practices enhancing drought resilience of grassland SOC stocks.

The project will study nine semi-natural grasslands covering a broad range of grassland management and elevations / bioclimatic conditions typical for Austria, involving intensively managed montane (3-5 cuts) and lightly managed subalpine (1 cut) hay meadows, subalpine and alpine pastures, as well as ungrazed / abandoned grassland. Soil samples taken from these grasslands will be analyzed with respect to soil properties and incubated at a range of drought intensities and frequencies to test for drought and rewetting effects on SOC and soil CO2 release. Soils repeatedly exposed to the severe drought will be additionally tested as concerns the vulnerability of SOC to priming effects. On three selected grasslands (montane, subalpine and alpine), which have been exposed to multi-annual experimental drought treatments, longer-term drought legacy effects on the responses of soil respiration and SOC turnover to subsequent drought will be tested, with a particular focus on the role and the age of SOC in the particulate organic matter fraction and the mineral-associated organic matter fraction. The results from these experimental studies will be synthesized and analyzed in a broader framework, accounting for as additional soil and ecosystem parameters and available data from the literature. A model-data integration workshop will support synthesis and application of the obtained datasets in terrestrial ecosystem models. Two workshops involving stakeholders from the agricultural sector and climate economists will serve for transdisciplinary knowledge integration and help develop recommendations for grassland management practices enhancing grassland C sequestration and its drought resilience in a rapidly changing world.