Thu, 10.10.2024 17:29

Guest Lecture by Sophie in 't Veld

"Digitale Revolution: Cui Bono?"

© European Union 2024 - Source : EP

In her presentation “Digitale Revolution: Cui Bono?”, Sophie in 't Veld, former Member of the European Parliament, will shed light on the advantages and disadvantages of the digital revolution.

PROGRAMME | REGISTRATION required by October 7, 2024

The digital revolution was expected to strengthen democracy. It enabled citizens to connect and mobilise, and it gave them access to information. Around the world social media are playing a key role in citizens’ movements and they are indispensable to give a voice to people living under an oppressive regime. So the digital revolution did indeed empower citizens. However, it empowered the powerful infinitely more than it did the people. It has given governments near total control over citizens. To the point where citizens have been turned into subjects, reversing centuries of emancipation and democratisation. Whereas the digital revolution gave massive new powers to governments, at the same time checks and balances have been hollowed out, and civil liberties are unenforceable, legal remedy does not exist in practice. Transparency and accountability have been weakened rather than strengthened. The intergovernmental structure of the European Union further adds to the growing power gap between rulers and citizens. The EU is used as a platform to create new repressive powers for national authorities, but it does not act in the case of abuse of these powers. How can we curb this trend? How can we make the digital revolution a democratic revolution, empowering citizens and strengthening checks and balances?