
The Large Time-Frequency Analysis Toolbox (LTFAT) has been updated.

The new release 2.6.0 features a demonstration for the construction of constant-Q like wavelet filter banks, and new functionality for the creation of fusion frames as well as the calculation of higher order phase derivatives in real-valued signals.



The new continuous integration and deployment support allows for the seemless testing and categorization of future contributions to the code. Additionally, LFAT 2.6.0 features several bugfixes, and improvements to the compilation process on Microsoft Windows.

LTFAT and its sister toolbox, the phase retrieval toolbox (PHASERET) are being developed at ARI of the OeAW to emphasize "reproducible research". They offer state-of-the-art implementations of common algorithms for time-frequency analysis and phase retrieval respectively, many of which having been devised at the institute. Thus, they enable other researchers to review and build upon research results.

The documentation and further information on LTFAT can be found on its website: ltfat.org