Philipp Schneeweiß: Coherent Preparation and Characterization of Quantized Surface-Bound States of Cold Atoms

Coherent Preparation and Characterization of Quantized Surface-Bound States of Cold Atoms

Surfaces form the boundary between two media, for example, between a solid body and a gas. A detailed understanding of effects near surfaces is important for many challenges in research and technology, ranging from heat transfer to the controlled deposition of solid-state quantum emitters on substrates. A central goal of the proposed project is to explore novel experimental techniques for the study of near-surface effects. These will take advantage of the great level of control available for laser-cooled trapped atoms and, e.g., enable studying the coherent preparation of quantum-adsorbed atom-surface states. The results of this project will yield insights into surface-induced decoherence effects, open up pathways to fully passive traps for neutral atoms, and start bridging the gap between solid-state quantum optics and cold atom physics.

The ESQ Discovery project allows me exploring a radically new research idea. Our studies have the potential to open an entirely new research area, connecting solid-state quantum optics and cold atom physics. Finally, thanks to ESQ funding, I can further increase my experience on independently leading a scientific project.



ESQ Office
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Atena Zalbeik-Dormayer
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Vienna


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