Jörg Schmiedmayer: Spins in Quantum Solids and Liquids. From Quantum Memory to Quantum Simulation

Jörg Schmiedmayer: Spins in Quantum Solids and Liquids. From Quantum Memory to Quantum Simulation

Spins are ideal systems to study and implement quantum physics. Thereby it is very important how the atoms or molecules carrying the spins can be trapped and manipulated. An apparatus to trap and manipulate atoms and molecules in an isolated environment is very involved. Spins in solid state systems are easier to hold, but have bad coherence properties. We propose impurities  in (quantum) solids as a platform for quantum science. The host built from nuclear spin-0 constituents ensures a stable local electromagnetic environment, a prerequisite for long coherence times.  The soft nature of quantum solids and liquids leads to reduced stress and pressure induced in-homogeneous broadening, and ensures that a large variety of impurities, which can be designed for specific tasks, can be used. Applications range from quantum simulation to long coherence time quantum memory to quantum metrology.



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Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Atena Zalbeik-Dormayer
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Vienna


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