Pietro Brighi: Novel phases of quantum matter in driven kinetically constrained models

Novel phases of matter unique to non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems represent a fascinating topic at the forefront of modern research. Due to intriguing properties such as spontaneous time-translational symmetry breaking and feasible experimental realization, Floquet models have recently attracted significant attention.
Floquet phases of matter typically rely on ergodicity breaking, which prevents the system from heating to infinite temperature. In this project, we investigate the effect of weak ergodicity breaking on Floquet systems.
In particular, we study a binary driving setup, where two competing kinetic constraints are periodically alternated.
Our scheme is simple, yet the expected results are non-trivial due to the frustration in the dynamics induced by the competition of the two constraints. This work will improve our current understanding of the effect of ergodicity breaking in non-equilibrium Floquet models.

The ESQ Discovery grant allows me to investigate intriguing new directions in the field, thus providing a great possibility for growth as a researcher.




ESQ Office
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Atena Zalbeik-Dormayer
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Vienna


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