Maximilian Prüfer: Quantum information extraction with multi-pass microscopy (QUIMP)

In QUIMP we will build a multi-pass cavity for spatially resolved dispersive imaging of ultracold atoms. Combining multi-pass techniques from biological microscopy with techniques from the field of quantum simulation, we will develop new methods for extracting quantum information from many-body systems. This will lead to the possibility of measuring multi-time correlation functions for quantum systems which is crucial for the study of non-equilibrium dynamics and the subsequent thermalization.

This discovery grant of ESQ allows our collaborative approach bringing together biological microscopy and many-body quantum simulation within the ESQ. It is the perfect framework for our project which aims at building proof-of-principle setup enabling future experimental platforms perfectly tailored towards out new methods.




ESQ Office
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Atena Zalbeik-Dormayer
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Vienna


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