Emil Kirilov: Strong electric dipole moments provided by dysprosium atoms

Emil Kirilov: Strong electric dipole moments provided by dysprosium atoms

We propose to implement a new scheme to produce an ultracold gas of atoms possessing strong electric dipole moments. Such a gas, realized with dysprosium (Dy) atoms, promise access to wide range of phenomena of paramount importance such as topological superfluids, quantum magnetism, and many exotic lattice models, which have attracted great interest in theoretical work, but have been elusive to experiments so far.

The ESQ high-risk grant perfectly matches my plans because it is a grant that one can use to approach research venues which one would not necessarily gear his whole project toward, exactly because of the high risk. But all great breakthroughs historically involved some risk therefore the platform on which the grand stands is very attractive.



ESQ Office
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
Atena Zalbeik-Dormayer
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Vienna


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