
Exercises to "Modeling of materials on the atomic level"

Application of the concepts and methods of simulation presented in the lecture

Part 1. Ab initio electronic structure calculations

  • From many-body Hamiltonian to The Density Functional Theory
  • Pseudopotential vs. Full-potential approach: Implementation of the DFT
  • Applications I: Ground state properties and electronic structure
  • Applications II: Elasticity and Thermal properties

Part 2. Monte Carlo Simulations in Material Physics

  • Partition Sums
  • Simple Sampling
  • Important Sampling - Detailed Balance and Metropolis Algorithm
  • The Ising-Model
  • Applications: Order-Disorder Phase Transitions and Diffusion in Intermetallic Alloys

Part 3: Monte-Carlo Simulations and classical molecular dynamics

  • Introduction to the Monte-Carlo method
  • Generator of random numbers
  • Algorithms for solving a problem
  • Application of the Monte-Carlo method

Part II: classical molecular dynamics

  • Introduction to molecular dynamics
  • Overview of typical problems
  • Presentation of algorithms for solving the problems and their numerical interpretation
  • interaction potentials

Part III: Ab-initio electronic structure methods

  • Basics: Density functional theory
  • Pseudopotential methods
  • Augmented-Plane-Wave Methods
  • Car-Parinello molecular dynamics
  • Overview over typical applications

M.A. Hartmann
D. Holec
A. Reyes-Huamantinco
