
“Lange Nacht der Forschung” at ESI

Last Friday, April 22, ESI participated in Austrian’s largest research event “Lange Nacht der Forschung” (“Long Night of Research”). This nation-wide project’s goal was to show the general public current research work in a comprehensible and if possible entertaining way.

Interested visitors of all ages came to the Erich-Schmid Institute between 4 pm and 10 pm. The theme at ESI was: “Would you like to see atoms?” (“Wollen Sie Atomen sehen?”) where visitors learned basic principles used to describe the atomic structure of metallic materials. Within three stations the structures of metals starting from the largest structural units down to the atomistic scale were presented. After a welcome given by Prof. Eckert, children and adults were offered a look through a light microscope in order to see the crystalline nature of metals on etched surfaces. A deeper and more thorough look into the structures was enabled with scanning electron microscopy.

This was followed by a short introduction into X-ray diffraction used to explain how atomic distances can be measured. This involved a demonstration with stockings and a laser-pointer. With XRD-measurements on a twenty cent coin and a gold ring the spectral fingerprints were measured to show the difference in the atomic distance and also their authenticity, especially of the gold ring, could be proven. Finally, real atoms, or to be more correct, the atom columns of small gold particles being well oriented to the incident electron beam, were visualized in our high resolution transmission electron microscope. The principles of this technique were explained and the guests could convince themselves about the live-character of the gold-particle imaging by jumping on the ground which lead to vibrations in the live-images. For ESI, the event was successful, entertaining for visitors and demonstrators, and assisted our guests in understanding the research work and mission of the Erich Schmid Institute.