
Gordon Research Seminar & Conference (GRS & GRC): Thin Film and Small Scale Mechanical Behavior

The Gordon Research Seminar & Conference: Thin Film and Small Scale Mechanical Behavior was held at the Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, at the end of July 2016.

The event provides a collegial forum for discussions on state-of-the-art topics and presentations of cutting edge research in indentation testing, in-situ microscopy, micro-mechanics of fracture at interfaces and size effects in dislocation plasticity. The Erich Schmid Institute and the Department of Materials Physics were represented by 5 participants.

In a panel discussion regarding science careers, Dr. Megan Cordill gave interesting insights into her career path and provided guidance and advice to the GRS participants.
Dr. Cordill also organised a discussion entitled the "Power Hour" to address the challenges women are facing in science and to support the professional development of women in the community, which was attended by both men and women with great interest. Oral presentations were contributed by DI Barbara Putz and Mag. Andreas Kleinbichler at the GRS. These topics were also presented during the GRC poster sessions along with the works from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniel Kiener and DI Manuel Pfeifenberger.