
Euromat 2015 held in Warsaw

The European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT) 2015 was held in Warsaw, Polen, in the historical buildings of Warsaw University of Technology from September 20th to 24th.

The Erich Schmid Institute contributed to this biennal conference by the organization of the symposium on Severe Plastic Deformation and Nanostructuring through Dr. Andrea Bachmaier, who also gave a poster presentation there. Prof. Daniel Kiener was invited for a highlight lecture on thermo-mechanical properties in ultrafine-grained (ufg) composites, and in addition introduced a small-scale method to measure internal stresses within mulitlayers. Further oral presentations in the field of HPT processed materials were given by Prof. Zaoli Zhang focusing on TEM characterisation, as well as by DI Oliver Renk and DI Marlene Kapp giving insights in grain boundary migration processes during plastic deformation of this material class.