
ERC- Grant for material scientist Andrea Bachmaier

Andrea Bachmaier has been awarded a € 150.000,- Proof on Concept Grant by the European Research Council (ERC) for her work in the field of nanostructured magnetic materials.

The grant explores the potential of permanent magnets based on the MnBi system, which represent a rare-earth free alternative to the currently used NdFeB magnets. The research is based on the ERC Grant project SPDTuM, which is being carried out by Andrea Bachmaier and her group at ESI in Leoben.

Permanent magnets are essential components of an enormous amount of consumer and industrial products. Their production rises annually, especially due to their use in fast growing green technologies such as electric mobility. High performance magnets with a large energy product are usually based on the NdFeB material system. The major components are rare-earth elements, which are listed as critical materials. Novel permanent magnets use the concept of magnetic coupling effects. In course of the ERC Starting Grant SPDTuM a new processing route to synthesize permanent magnets based on this concept has been developed.

The objective of this ERC PoC Grant is to use this processing route and apply it to the MnBi system. The magnetic α-MnBi phase exhibits an increasing coercivity with rising temperature. Thus, magnets based on MnBi will be especially well-suited for high temperature applications. So far, this type of magnet has only been successfully obtained in limited volumes (thin films, powders). With our processing route it is possible to synthesize magnets in dimensions with about 100000 times larger volume.

With the ERC Proof of Concept Grant, the up-scaling potential of the developed processes from laboratory to industrial conditions will be further critically evaluated. For Andrea Bachmaier, the Grant is the second ERC award. In 2017, she was awarded a Starting Grant for the SPDTuM (SPD nanostructured magnets with tuneable properties) project.

With the grant to Andrea Bachmaier, the total number of ERC grants awarded to ÖAW researchers since 2007 has increased to 62 ERC grants and 6 proof of concept grants. The academy plays a key role in additional 11 ERC grants. All in all, the ÖAW has already received nearly 100 million euros in ERC subsidies to Austria. The Academy is one of the most successful research institutes in Austria awarded in European Research grants.