Mag. Dr.

Peter Andorfer

(+43 1) 51581 – 2297


... is a senior research software engineer, leading the Text Technology&Publishing team in the research unit DH Research&Infrastructure. He is primarily responsible for building and continually developing workflows and tools for publishing sustainable and up-to-date digital editions.

He studied History and German Philology and recieved his doctorate in 2015 at Universität Innsbruck, focussing on Austrian History.


  • Andorfer, Peter. 2017. Turing Test für das Topic Modeling. Von Menschen und Maschinen erstellte inhaltliche Analysen der Korrespondenz von Leo von Thun-Hohenstein im Vergleich. Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften. doi:10.17175/2017_002.
  • Andorfer, Peter, and Michael Span. 2017. Lesen im Alpental. Privater Buchbesitz in Tirol 1750 bis 1800. Eine Projektvorstellung. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Buchforschung in Österreich: 7-21.
  • Andorfer, Peter, Dario Kampkaspar, Marcus Baumgarten, and Timo Steyer. 2017. HowTo build a your own »Digital Edition WebApp«. DHd2017 Bern Digital Nachhaltigkeit Konferenzabstracts.
  • Štuhec, Seta, Edeltraud Aspöck, Anja Masur, Peter Andorfer, and Ksenia Zaytseva. 2016. Putting 3D models into context – the Schachermeyr pottery collection and the DEFC app. José Luis Lerma and Cabrelles, Miriam. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Archeology, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation 'ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0' in Valencia (Spain), Sept. 5 – 7, 2016. doi:10.4995/arqueologica8.2016.4479.
  • Aspöck, Edeltraud, Anja Masur, Seta Štuhec, Peter Andorfer, and Ksenia Zaytseva. 2016. Digitizing Early Farming Cultures: Making new use of digital and analogue resources from Neolithic sites in Greece and Anatolia. Wien.
  • King, Margaret, Peter Andorfer, and Brian Rosenblum. 2016. Support for TEI editions in academic libraries. An upcoming study of the Library Publishing Coalition.