1946: Founding of the "Kommission für die Ausarbeitung eines Österreichischen Biographischen Lexikons"

1.1. 1994: Conversion into an institute of the overall academy (phil.-hist. AND math.-sci. class)
"Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon und biographische Dokumentation"

2013: Dissolution of the institute; integration of the ÖBL into the Institute for Modern and Contemporary History Research (INZ)

1.1. 2020: Integration into the Austrian Center for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH).

31.12.2023: End of project

Editor-in-Chief/Project Management:

  • Obermayer-Marnach Eva: 1947–1989 (Editor; first under Leo Santifaller, then under Erich Zöllner); died 2008
  • Csendes Peter: 1989–2001 (Director and Editor-in-chief)
  • Grössing Helmuth: 2002–2008 (Director and Editor-in-chief)
  • Bruckmüller Ernst: 2009–2013 (Director and Editor-in-chief)
  • Bruckmüller Ernst: 2013–2022 (Honorary Editor-in-chief)
  • Gruber Christine: 2013–2023 (Group leader, Editor-in-chief since 2015)

Former employees (ordered by date of entry):

  • Hillbrand-Grill Friederike: 1959–1996 (Editor); died 2015
  • Papatheodorou Katharina: 1963–1999 (Administration)
  • Stern Marcella: 1970–1999 (Administration); died 2010
  • Lebensaft Elisabeth: 1970–2009 (Editor, 2009 Editor-in-chief)
  • Reitterer Hubert: 1974–2008 (Editor)
  • Rill Robert: 1989–1992 (Editor)
  • Mentschl Christoph: 1992–2012 (Editor)
  • Martischnig Michael: 1993–2010 (Editor); died 2022
  • Staudacher Anna Lea: 1996–2011 (Austrian Jewish Biographie/ATJB)
  • Seidl Johannes: 1997–2000 (Editor)
  • Rack Ulrike: 1999–2019 (Administration)
  • Petz-Grabenbauer Maria: 2005–2012 (Editor)
  • Denk Ulrike: 2008–2012 (Editor)

Active team until the end of the project in 2023:

  • Angetter Daniela (Editor)
  • Bergmann Hubert (Editor)
  • Dittinger Philipp (Editor)
  • Feigl Roland (IT, Finance/Administration)
  • Gruber Christine (Editor; Editor-in-chief since 2015)
  • Nawrocka Irene (Editor)
  • Offenthaler Eva (Editor)

Volunteer work:

Tomasi Elisabeth (Review of historical-geographical information)