Mag. Dr.

Hubert Bergmann

(+43 1) 51581 – 2606


... has been part of the research unit DH Research&Infrastructure since 2024. He is primarily involved in prosopographical research as part of the PFP portal.

He studied Slavic and Romance languages and literature in Innsbruck, Moscow and Forlì and received his PhD in linguistics from the University of Klagenfurt in 2003. From 2000–2013, he worked at the Institute for Lexicography of Austrian Dialects and Names of the OeAW as editor of the Dictionary of Bavarian Dialects in Austria (WBÖ), and from 2013–2023 (under changing institutional conditions) as editor of the now completed Austrian Biographical Dictionary (ÖBL). Hubert Bergmann is primarily interested in biography and onomastics and a member of expert bodies such as the Austrian Board on Geographical Names (AKO) or the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names (StAGN). He is also on the editing board of "Jezikoslovni zapiski" (Ljubljana) and on the reviewers’ committee of "Voprosy onomastiki" (Moscow and Yekaterinburg)".


  • Bergmann, Hubert. 2022. Entdecker, Hüter und Promotor der küstenländischen "Altertümer": Pietro Kandler. Biographie des Monats Jänner 2022. Online-Publikation.
  • Bergmann, Hubert. 2021. Zur Herkunft des Namens Gaimberg. Die Sonnseiten. Zeitung der Gemeinde Gaimberg.
  • Bergmann, Hubert, and Philipp Dittinger. 2021. Josef Stern (1797-1871) – "Bienenvater" im Ordensgewand. Biographie des Monats Mai 2021. Online-Publikation.
  • Bergmann, Hubert. 2020. Ainet, Alkus und Gwabl um das Jahr 1400. Bemerkungen zu einem interessanten historischen Dokument. Ainet Aktuell.
  • Bergmann, Hubert. 2020. Primus Lessiak in koroški plebiscit leta 1920: o nekaterih malo znanih biografskih vidikih jezikoslovca. Jezikoslovni zapiski 26: 9-19.
  • Bergmann, Hubert. 2020. Gaimberg und die Gaimberger um das Jahr 1400. Bemerkungen zu einem interessanten historischen Dokument. Die Sonnseiten. Zeitschrift der Gemeinde Gaimberg.