
Elena Abbado

(+43 1) 51581 – 3706



... studied Musicology and Hungarian Studies at the University of Florence, where she also received her PhD in History of Performing Arts (2016). Moreover she has obtained scholarships at the Balassi Institute, the Franz Liszt Music Academy and the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. Later Elena was contract worker at the University of Florence, postdoctoral fellow and contract worker at the German Historical Institute in Rome. Since 2016 she has been part of the editorial team of Nuove Musiche and since 2019 a member of the research group “Accademie Toscane” of the Centro Internazionale di Studi sul Seicento, Università per Stranieri in Siena.

At the Oeaw she collaborates on the Fux Projekt, where she is engaged in the critical edition of sacred oratorios. From October 2023 she is in charge of the Flora et Germana project. She is part of the Department of Musicology.

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  • Abbado, Elena (25.02.2019) Gli oratori di Giovanni Maria Casini. Vortrag bei: Giovanni Maria Casini (1652-1719): sacerdote, musicista e uomo di corte nella Firenze medicea, Florenz, Università degli Studi di Firenze/ITALY.

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