Empires through the Ages: Short-term Empires – Rule or Exception?
30 November - 2 December, 2021


The Symposium is held within the framework of the AURORA Universities Network (Innsbruck – Duisburg-Essen), the Erasmus partnership Innsbruck-Kiel, and the ongoing cooperation between Innsbruck and Kassel. 20 lectures by researchers from all around the globe deal with different "short-term empires". The broad spectrum includes empires of the Graeco-Roman world as well as China in the 3rd century BC up until South America in the 19th century AD.

Contextualizing Imperial Borderlands (9th c. BC – 9th c. AD)
Bregenz, 20.-24. Juni 2022


Kernthema der Tagung sind die Entwicklungen in den imperialen Randzonen vom Beginn der Entstehung imperialer Großreiche im alten Vorderasien bis zum Ende der „Langen Spätantike“. Dabei geht es darum, die wesentlichen Entwicklungen in einem vergleichenden Querschnitt näher zu erfassen und historisch vergleichend einzuordnen.

Iran Through the Ages, Persian Across Borders, ÖAW Wien, 29. Juni 2022
Wien, 29. Juni 2022


Internationales Symposium zum Gedenken an Bert G. Fragner veranstaltet vom Institut für Iranistik und der Kommission Transformationsprozesse und Imperium in den antiken Welten Afro-Eurasiens der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

The Achaemenid Persian Empire and imperial Transformations in the Ancient Near East (7th c. BC – 2nd c. BC)
Obergurgl, 3.-7. Juli 2023


Im Zentrum der Tagung stehen die mit der Entstehung und dem Fall des achaimenidischen Großreichs einhergehenden Transformationsprozesse. Diese sollen historisch weitläufig erfasst werden, was durch eine „Rückschau“ auf die sargonidische Endphase des neuassyrischen Imperiums sowie eine „Vorausschau“ auf die frühe seleukidische Zeit geschehen soll. Gleichzeitig wird die Tagung in das internationale Großprojekt „New Workshops on Achaemenid Persian History“ (Rollinger/Shayegan) eingebunden.

Vienna, 29 November - 2 December, 2023
The Achaemenid-Persian Empire at its Heyday? The Era between Darius II and Darius III


The workshop aims at re-evaluating the period between Darius II and Darius III that is generally thought to represent a century of decline and downfall. Thus, traditional views have recently been challenged (see Julian Degen and Robert Rollinger, The “End” of the Achaemenid-Persian Empire: Caesura and Transformation in Dialogue, in: Michael Gehler, Robert Rollinger, and Philipp Strobl (eds.), The End of Empires (Universal- und kulturhistorische Studien / Studies in Universal and Cultural History), Wiesbaden: Springer 2022, 143-190). The workshop intends to further develop such a critical approach on a broader and more interdisciplinary level. The proceedings will be published in an international series.

Between and beyond empires: from the Seleucids to the Sasanians (3rd c. BC – 7th c. AD)
3-6 Dezember 2024, Wrocław/Breslau

PROGRAMM (Entwurf)

As a follow-up of the conference in Obergurgl (The Achaemenid Persian Empire and imperial Transformations in the Ancient Near East, 7th c. BCE – 2nd c. BCE, Obergurgl, 3rd – 9th July 2023) the conference will continue to focus on the phenomenon of imperial transformations in the framework of a longue durée perspective and within a transdisciplinary approach. On the one hand, empire as phenomenon should no longer be thought as an organic biological “creature” with a clearly defined beginning and end. Moreover, the various paths of transformation processes that occur in phases of turmoil and crisis ought to be followed. On the other hand, special attention should be drawn on the agency of the vast imperial borderlands as these areas in particular are often entangled actively in these processes of transformation. The central focus of this conference lies on western Afro-Eurasia within a broad chronological framework that runs from the “Hellenistic” period to the early Islamic era. The various contributions are asked to address transformation processes as well as phenomena of imperial heritage and imperial “argumentation” through time and space. Although the eastern Mediterranean, Western Asia (Near East) and the Iranian highlands are regarded to represent key zones of the inquiry their outreach towards Central Asia, the Steppe, the Balkans and the Arabian Peninsula are not to be neglected. Therefore, the conference intends to develop a broad and transregional understanding of the various transformation process involved as well as their spatial and chronological dimensions.As a follow-up of the conference in Obergurgl (The Achaemenid Persian Empire and imperial Transformations in the Ancient Near East, 7th c. BCE – 2nd c. BCE, Obergurgl, 3rd – 9th July 2023) the conference will continue to focus on the phenomenon of imperial transformations in the framework of a longue durée perspective and within a transdisciplinary approach. On the one hand, empire as phenomenon should no longer be thought as an organic biological “creature” with a clearly defined beginning and end. Moreover, the various paths of transformation processes that occur in phases of turmoil and crisis ought to be followed. On the other hand, special attention should be drawn on the agency of the vast imperial borderlands as these areas in particular are often entangled actively in these processes of transformation. The central focus of this conference lies on western Afro-Eurasia within a broad chronological framework that runs from the “Hellenistic” period to the early Islamic era. The various contributions are asked to address transformation processes as well as phenomena of imperial heritage and imperial “argumentation” through time and space. Although the eastern Mediterranean, Western Asia (Near East) and the Iranian highlands are regarded to represent key zones of the inquiry their outreach towards Central Asia, the Steppe, the Balkans and the Arabian Peninsula are not to be neglected. Therefore, the conference intends to develop a broad and transregional understanding of the various transformation process involved as well as their spatial and chronological dimensions.

The Achaemenid Persian empire and its non-western borderlands: a change of paradigm
Wien, Frühjahr 2025

Im Zentrum der Tagung stehen erneut das achaimenidische Großreich und jene Borderlands, auf die die Forschung bisher nur sporadisch geblickt hat: der zentralasiatische Osten, Indien und der Indische Ozean im SO, sowie die Steppenlandschaften im N und NO. Dabei geht es um die Interaktionen nicht nur in räumlicher, sondern auch in zeitlicher Dimension und damit um die systematische Erfassung von Innovationen, Brüchen und Kontinuitäten. Gleichzeitig wird die Tagung in das internationale Großprojekt „New Workshops on Achaemenid Persian History“ (Rollinger/Shayegan) eingebunden.

Wien, Herbst 2025

Im Rahmen dieser Podiumsdiskussion werden die vorliegenden Ergebnisse der Kommissionsarbeit öffentlichkeitswirksam vorgestellt, in den Kontext der dynamischen Transformationsprozesse unserer Gegenwart eingebettet und vor einem breiten Publikum diskutiert.