Commission The North Atlantic Triangle

Commission The North Atlantic Triangle: Social and cultural exchange between Europe, the USA and Canada

The commission, which was founded in June 2012, will in accordance with the decision by the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences (phil-hist. Klasse) function until the end of October 2023.

The commission intends to investigate in interdisciplinary fashion the contacts and cultural exchange between both sides of the Atlantic to show the consequences of these processes in various fields (politics, literature and culture, demography etc.)

The objects of inquiry are, inter alia, the reflection in literature of the waves of migration from continental Europe to North America in the 19th and 20th centuries, the visits and stays by tens of thousands of expatriates from North America in Europe in the interwar years as well as the diverse aspects of the intensive cultural exchange between the continents since World War Two. These topics have admittedly been the subject of many individual studies, but the commission addresses these issues in interdisciplinary conferences and symposia and publishes the results of these events in the form of books and collections of essays. These goals are to be reached through intensive collaboration with members of the Royal Society of Canada, the British Academy, the Royal Netherlands Academy and with other prominent experts in the USA and several European countries.



18–20 November 2021
International Conference


From 18 to 20 November an international interdisciplinary conference on the current topic "Polarization in the North Atlantic Triangle" takes place in the Johannessaal in the main building of the Austrian Academy of Science. Speakers from Europe and the USA will talk about the tensions and conflicts in societies on both sides of the Atlantic. In view of the rules in force as a result of the pandemic, the number of participants who will be present in person is also limited this time. However, there is the possibility of online participation, for which a registration is also requested. The access data will be sent before the conference begins. More details on the OeAW event calendar.




29-31 October 2020

International conference on "Artificial Intelligence and Human Enhancement: Affirmative and Critical Approaches in the Humanities from Both Sides of the Atlantic" (Vordere Zollamtsstraße 3, Veranstaltungsraum 1).

Due to the restrictions during the pandemic, the number of participants is strictly limited and we ask for your registration by Oct. 23. Online participation is also possible. Please register to receive a link to the conference livestream.

-> Program


28-30 March 2019
International Conference with 24 speakers on the topic of
„Cultural Politics and Propaganda: Mediated Narratives and Images in Austrian-American Relations“ (Sitzungssaal der ÖAW).
A collection of essays based on this conference is currently being prepared. It will be edited by Siegfried Beer and Waldemar Zacharsiewicz and is expected to appear in 2020.

-> Program



On 14 June the commission convened an international interdisciplinary workshop on “Traveling Ideas and their Mediators : Transatlantic Elective Affinities”, which took place in the Austrian Academy of Sciences. On this occasion members of the commission and foreign experts dealt with this topic in eight lectures. The President of the Royal Society of Canada, Chad Gaffield, spoke on “Embracing Transatlantic Research Collaboration in a new Era. Reflections from Canada”.
The papers read at the workshop are currently being prepared for publication. The volume is edited by Herta Nagl-Docekal and Waldemar Zacharsiewicz and is to appear in the first half of 2020.

-> Programme



On 15 November the commission convened a workshop on the topic “Wien als Ort der Begegnung, des Ideenaustausches und der Rückkehr” (Vienna as a Place of Encounters, Exchange of Ideas and Return). It offered an opportunity to present five books published by the commission and its members in the previous years, including the new collection of essay entitled “Return from Exile : Rückkehr aus dem Exil”.

-> Programme



The commission organized a panel with four speakers at the International World Congress of Comparative Literature, which was convened in Vienna in July 2016, and in cooperation with the organizers of this congress prepared and introduced one of the keynote lectures of the Congress. It was given by the well-known Dutch imagologist Joep Leerssen in the ceremonial hall of the Academy on 22 July 2016. 

Two members of the commission were also involved in the preparation of section 18 of the Triennial Conference of the International Association of University Professors of English, which was held in London (25 to 29 July 2016). A special issue of the academic journal Anglistik based on the papers read in this section of the conference has been prepared by commission members Martin Löschnigg and Waldemar Zacharasiewicz in collaboration with Sherrill Grace, a foreign member of the Austrian Academy. The special issue contains nine essays, which show how plays, poems and fictional narratives mirror the First World War; it appeared late in 2018.

Another international conference with 29 speakers was convened by the commission in December 2016 on the topic “Ideas Crossing the Atlantic: Themes, Normative Conceptions, and Cultural Images” (2- 4 December 2016). The collection of essays based on the conference was brought out by the publishing house of the Academy of Sciences in September 2019. It was edited by Waldemar Zacharasiewicz and Christoph Irmscher.


Transatlantic Elective Affintiies : Traveling Ideas and Their Mediators. Eds. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz and Herta Nagl-Docekal. Wien: Verlag der  ÖAW, 2021. 228 pp.

Ideas Crossing the Atlantic: Theories, Normative Conceptions, and Cultural Images. Eds. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz and Christoph Irmscher. Wien: Verlag der ÖAW, 2019. 445 pp.

Return from Exile – Rückkehr aus dem Exil: Exiles, Returnees and Their Impact in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Austria and Central Europe, ed. together with Manfred Prisching. Wien: Verlag der ÖAW, 2017. 496 pp.

Ein Filmphilosophie-Symposium mit Robert B. Pippin: Western, Noir und das Kino der Brüder Dardenne. Wiener Reihe: Themen der Philosophie. Eds. Ludwig Nagl and Waldemar Zacharasiewicz. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016. 255 pp.

Narratives of Encounters in the North Atlantic Triangle. Eds. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz and David Staines. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015. 411 pp.

Cultural Circulation: Dialogues between Canada and the American South. Eds. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz and Christoph Irmscher. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013. 398 pp. 




em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz, w.M.
Commission „The North Atlantic Triangle”
Apostelgasse 23
1030 Vienna
T + 43 1 51581-3640

Deputy chair

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Manfred Prisching, k.M.
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Soziologie
Universitätsstraße 15/G4
8010 Graz, Austria
T + 43 316 380-7076

Contact person

Mag. Anna Zalto
Commission „The North Atlantic Triangle”
Apostelgasse 23
1030 Vienna
T + 43 1 51581-3641


Ao. Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Mag. phil. Siegfried Beer

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carmen Birkle (Universität Marburg, D)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tibor Frank (Eötvös-Loránd University Budapest)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Philipp Gassert (Universität Mannheim)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Irmscher k.M.i.A. (Indiana University, Bloomington)

Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wynfrid Kriegleder

Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.phil. Martin Löschnigg, k.M.

Univ.-Prof. i.R. Herta Nagl-Docekal, w.M.

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Manfred Prisching, k.M.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Danuta Shanzer, w.M.

Prof. Dr. Werner Sollors, k.M.i.A. (Harvard University)

Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Cornelia Szabó-Knotik

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Türschmann

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Melanie Unseld, k.M.

Em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz w.M., chair


Commission „The North Atlantic Triangle”
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna
T + 43 1 51581-3641

Commission „The North Atlantic Triangle”